Fan Family Foundation Nonprofit New York Pathway to College and Careers

Providing students with a clear pathway to college and careers


fan family’s Mission

Fan Family Foundation is a New York City-based nonprofit whose mission is to provide students with a clear pathway to college and careers. We provide programs and services to students in our communities, including career workshops, college tours, financial literacy, and entrepreneurship education.


Our Team

Our team is made up of like-minded music industry executives who grew up in New York’s inner city communities, care deeply about the young people we work with from our communities, and who are passionate about sharing our personal career journey with these leaders of tomorrow.

Our Programs

In our experience, we noticed many students in grades 6-12 from our inner city communities in Brooklyn and Queens aren't exposed to inspiring opportunities or influential individuals that children from other communities might have. We understand how the combination of technology and entertainment impact today’s youth, and we design our programming around students’ needs.

Our Success

Through the commitment to themselves and tireless dedication to achieving success, students from our communities have gone on to become leaders in film, fashion, music, technology, and television industries. We feel very lucky to have the chance to guide such special talents into becoming the best versions of themselves.


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